CROM serves as a specialist to Occupational Medicine primary care providers, whereby we accept referrals from Workers’ Compensation physicians to treat patients with orthopedic, neurological and general musculoskeletal conditions sustained through on-the-job accidents. CROM physicians are full Level II accredited through the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation. They are trained to perform Impairment Ratings, Independent Medical Examinations, and to help patients reach Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). CROM accepts Colorado Workers’ Comp insurances.

In addition to our suite of musculoskeletal treatments, CROM tests for Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) through Workers’ Comp insurance using QSART and/or Infrared Stress Thermography as part of the Autonomic Testing Battery.

Impairment Ratings

An impairment rating is conducted once the authorized treating physician has determined that the injured worker is at maximum medical improvement (MMI). Impairment ratings are conducted by CROM Level II accredited physicians in accordance with Rule XIX of the Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation.

Physicians determining permanent physical impairment shall:

Limit such rating to physical impairments not likely to remit despite medical treatment
Use the instructions and forms contained in the AMA guidelines

Impairment ratings may include permanent impairment of the extremities, permanent mental and behavioral disorders, and permanent impairment for cumulative trauma.

Are there standardized criteria for determining Permanent Impairment Ratings?

Yes, all permanent impairment ratings shall be based upon the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Third Edition (Revised) AMA Guidelines.

When is it appropriate to conduct an Impairment Rating?

An Impairment Rating should be conducted when the authorized treating physician has determined that the injured worker is at maximum medical improvement and has not returned to his/her pre-injury state, physically or mentally.

How is apportionment determined?

Using the AMA Guides, 3rd Edition, Revised, and medical records or other objective evidence, the level II accredited physician shall apportion the pre-existing permanent medical impairment from that of a work-related injury or occupational disease. Any such apportionment shall be made by subtracting from the injured worker’s impairment the pre-existing impairment as it existed at the time of the subsequent injury or occupational disease. The physician shall fully explain in his or her written report the basis of any apportionment. If there is insufficient information to measure the change accurately, the Level II accredited physician shall not attempt to do so.